NATA - 2024

  • NATA Examination Date - commencing from: 06-04-2024 onwards
  • Timing - Session 1: 10.00 am to 1.00 pm (180 mins/3.0 hours)
  • - Session 2: 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm (180 mins/3.0 hours)
  • Examination shall be conducted on all weekends starting from April to July, 2024 in two sessions

The Qualifying Marks for the NATA 2024 would be based on the following Rules:

1. A minimum of 20 marks must be secured in PART A
2. A minimum of 30 marks must be secured in PART B
3. Overall qualifying marks for NATA 2024 shall be 70 marks out of 200 as aggregate of Part A and Part B.
A Candidate will not qualify in NATA-2024 unless all three conditions mentioned above are satisfied. In case the candidate appears in multiple tests, all the previous scores shall appear on the score card. The best score obtained in all attempts shall be taken as the valid score for NATA 2024.

Questions & Marks of Examination

Part A - Drawing and Composition Test - Offline Test - 90 Minutes
A1 – 1 Question – Composition and Color - 25 Marks
A2 - 1 Question – Sketching & Composition (Black and White)- 25 Marks
A3 – 1 Question - 3D Composition - 30 Marks
Total 3 Questions - 80 Marks
Part B - MCQ - Computer based online Test - 90 Minutes
B1 - 30 questions x 2 Marks - 60 Marks
B2 - 15 questions x 4 Marks -60 Marks
Total 45 Questions – 120 Marks

For further details, visit NATA Website.